How do you choose the right opportunities?

We all know many people who have good jobs, they do them fairly well or even very well, and they are nice and friendly colleagues. But they are not really excited about their work.
When Friday comes, they can’t wait to kick off the weekend and on Monday morning they have 100% guaranteed frustration about the new week starting.
When on holiday, they relax fully. During the first days they may feel still connected to their work but after a week and later they totally disconnect and when they are fully relaxed, they start dreaming about how it would be if they would do, what they really love to do – and usually it is not their current job.
They dream. They dream big. And that’s great.
Don’t waste your time, pursue your dream
But what is not great is when they start to feel they are wasting their time in their current job and would rather love to do something else. It is hard though to find the courage to actually pursue a dream for many reasons. Bills have to be paid when you have a family, not to speak of the house loans and all the other expenses. Sometimes it is also the social pressure from family and friends and their potential judgment. Sometimes it is the realization that if they would actually choose to pursue their dream, they would have to start from zero, and that might be frightening for many.
Discover your dream career
With these 13 free, proven questions, you will have a much better picture of how you really want your life and career to look and which actions you should take to achieve it.
But there is also a category of people, who actually really don’t know what they would like to do or what their passions are. Or they may have way too many, which might be the case too.
And what happens when you don’t know what your passions are?
It’s like you are going grocery shopping to make a good dinner. But if you don’t know what the needed ingredients are, you won’t be able to buy the right ones and the outcome will be very different from what you hoped for.
So if you don’t know what your talents and passions are, you might not know which opportunities are actually good for you and your whole career might be taking you into a direction you don’t necessarily want. You may be offered a role which you say yes to, just because you need a change and that leads you to another direction and mistakes repeat and you get sidetracked.
Don’t just react, be proactive
You are reactive. Reacting to opportunities coming your way and not necessarily bringing you to the desired final destination.
So, in order to be proactive, you would actually need to know your final destination.
To be able to take a step forward, we first need to know where we stand right now. We need to be very clear about our current situation, our starting point. Many times participants of our workshops find out, that they actually did not know where they stood up until now. In our workshops, you actually assess your life. You come to realize where you are and which direction to go, to be able to get to your final destination.
Learn to grab the right opportunities
You also learn what is on the way, keeping you from taking the right path. What is holding you back? What are your real priorities? You become very clear about what is important for you in this particular time of your life, right now!
And once you know where you are heading and what your priorities are, you don’t have to be “blindly reactive” anymore. You will choose the opportunities which will be right, or which will bring you closer to your final destination.
(So if there is an offer in the grocery store for bananas and you need to buy an avocado for your meal, you will look only for those avocados and don’t get sidetracked 🙂 )
Be clear about what you want and what you need and just go for it. And the first step would be to do your own life assessment and get clarity about your priorities, your passions, and your starting point, too. You can start getting clarity about your passions with our guide so download it here now.

Discover your dream career
With these 13 free, proven questions, you will have a much better picture of how you really want your life and career to look and which actions you should take to achieve it.
Succeed in career and life
Our free online course will help you to understand where you want to steer your life and career.
Analyze your work
Our free exercise helps you to understand which activities drain our energy in your current job and shall be minimized in your future roles.

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