How my passions helped me to overcome my biggest crisis

by | Jul 24, 2017 | Personal Development | 2 comments

This blog post is very personal. I want to share with you a part of my journey and I truly hope to inspire some of you.

My childhood was very happy. Everything was great. I come from a wonderful family with loving parents and an amazing sister. I was one of the best students in all the schools I attended. You could say I was a decent kid, not making too much trouble. After my studies I had great jobs, a lot of great friends made good money (for my age at that time at least) and had lots of fun, too.

When I met my nowadays ex-husband, I made the decision to follow him to Finland. The plan was to stay there for a few years and then come back to my home country. So, with that in mind, I did not really intend to stay in Finland. I did not study the language either. Well, what for? If only five million people in the world speak Finnish and especially when you can nicely manage with English? So, I spent some comfortable years as a foreigner, managed with English perfectly, made new friends, got a new job and everything went quite smoothly at first

One day it all changed

Until… one day… a crisis hit me when I realized, that my marriage is not to be saved and we started the separation process. Divorce as such would not have been that hard if there wasn’t the fact that I can not leave the country with my son without my husband’s permission. That meant, that I‘d have to stay in this country for many more years, which I never wanted, never felt I belong to, and of which I did not speak the language either.

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Imagine this for a second. I felt like a prisoner. Yes, I really did. I faced a hurricane of emotions. Anger. Guilt. Frustration. Even bigger anger. Bigger frustration. A real crisis far from my family and friends. And so far from everything I wanted.

I had to choose

I had two options. One option was to just be sad, angry, frustrated and depressed. And I definitely was for a while (or longer?).
OR I could gather all the strength and start embracing the changes in my plans, get over what is not possible to change, forgive those who hurt me and live again and happily. That sounded like a much better choice. And only me and God know how difficult it was. It was THE JOURNEY.

This crisis was a journey of really getting to know myself. Of finding out what I really want to do and how I wanted to live my life from now on. Of facing my fears and fighting them. That meant studying a lot. Working hard and studying during the nights. Fighting my loneliness by working even harder. Overcoming my language barriers and starting to use the language I did not want to learn. Oh boy, once you have to learn something, we as humans can really achieve a lot when we have a push and we really have to! I worked with my emotions and replacing anger, hurt and frustration with joy, fulfillment, and gratefulness.

Learning against the crisis

All that struggle during this crisis brought me on my journey of personal development. I went to many seminars and courses. Both offline and online. I became obsessed with the topic and studied these past years as much as if I had just started another degree program at the university :).  I took all the possible courses that I could. In one of them, I got such a strong vision of what I want to do from now on that it paved the way to who I am today:). Then followed courses with Andy Winson, Janett Attwood, Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, Eric Edmeades, and Brian Mayne and many others.

While working full time, and studying all possible evenings and weekends, I tried to be a decent mother and to keep in touch with my friends. I even got new friends through all the seminars I attended 🙂

I got new business ideas and started to push them forward. Besides that, I moved my home twice in one year (just imagine packing, repacking, moving and arranging it all)

How did I manage my personal crisis?

When I look back on all this now, I really don’t know how I did it all. Getting a divorce, changing homes, starting my business, studying during the nights, having a small son, having a huge workload in parallel in the main job and being alone without my family.

And yet I did not burn out!

Nowadays I am truly happy. I have a new dream relationship, an even better relationship with my son, I do the work that I really love, I am pursuing my new business ideas, I feel more home in this country than before. Believe it or not but don’t want to leave anymore:). I have a beautiful home where I feel extremely good. Life feels good and I am extremely grateful for all that I have now

Would I have all this without my earlier experiences and lessons? I really doubt it. When I meet people now, many see only the peak of the iceberg. Just the top. They don’t know what is under the water.

How my passions helped me to overcome my biggest crisis

As in the picture. It’s only me who knows what I went through and got me where I am now. Where I got today, is the result of al my previous experiences. It was a journey. Long and most often dark.

But thanks to all that past, I got to know that I want to inspire others, too. I want other people to be happier and have better lives. Because it is possible. We all can have more when we know what we actually want. I want people to be more fulfilled.

Get into the circle of happiness

Be happy, fulfilled, do what you are passionate about, do it as often as you can, then become even happier and ultimately even more successful at things you do. It’s a nice circle. Just learn how to jump into it. And you can get started by knowing what makes you fulfilled and what your passions are. Just download our guide here:

Thank you for starting YOUR journey!

With passionate regards ,-)

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The author

Lubica Kangas is the founder of Path2Talent, offering holistic Talent services. She helps companies to attract the best talent to hire and candidates to identify what they are passionate about and help them to get more clarity for their future career move. Since 2002 she has recruited several hundreds of candidates for her clients from almost every sector imaginable and learned about the difference between good and great/exceptional candidates. She has always been passionate about people, about their behaviors, motivations, passions, and talents and is grateful if she can help individuals through her services, workshops, and online programs.

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