How to hire the candidate? Recruiting for a small and a big company – is there some difference?
Today I want to share with you my fresh podcast, where I talk about recruiting for smaller family-owned companies or start-ups and what is different from recruiting to bigger companies?
And why it’s important to do what you truly love doing?
We also talk about why not to be a perfectionist and how to go about it, when hiring other people to work with you. What candidate do you actually need?
As mentioned in the podcast, it’s crucial to know our own profile and then hire people who would compliment us. You need be be able to find the candidate you need. That way we can increase the chance for our own success and build truly winning teams.
Ready for hiring?
This free document contains best practices to tackle and avoid common recruitment challenges.
How to hire the right person to your team?
It is important to know your own strengths and also, what type of profiles would be highly beneficial for you to work with. So whether you work in teams or have your own team, the test is really great starting point to recognize what type of roles would suit you the most. It tells you where you “shine” and where you excel the most.
To find out about this, you should take an assessment test. And I can help you find the one that suits you best. Just book a short, free call with me to find out which test would work best for you.
With passionate regards ,-)

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Ready for hiring?
This free document contains best practices to tackle and avoid common recruitment challenges.
Perfect kick-off to your recruitment
This free kick-off template helps you get clearer on your recruitment process and to take many initial steps on your own.

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