Video: Why bother living a passionate life?
For a long time, I have been planning a series of interviews with people who started to live their passions and started to have more fulfilled lives. And now the time has finally come. I am excited to present to you the first interview today. And there will be others to follow, with different people from different backgrounds and careers and I believe they will inspire you.
Is it worth living a passionate life?
This time I speak with Sylvia Salow, author, speaker, and coach, who changed her unsatisfying career into being a coach and helping other people to change their lives.
Discover your dream career
With these 13 free, proven questions, you will have a much better picture of how you really want your life and career to look and which actions you should take to achieve it.
But without further ado, here is the video of my inspiring talk with Sylvia:
If you prefer to just listen to it, while you drive or run, you find the audio version here.
All of you, who have children or plan to have, probably all of you want to be a good role model. Teach them how to be great partner, good friend, good colleague, good brother or sister.
If you are happy, others will be as well
And how about teaching them how to be happy and fulfilled by being a role model and being happy and fulfilled ourselves, first of all?
We all know that kids are learning by observing the behavior of others, so why not be a real role model for them?
We all have 2 choices.
- To live the life that Sylvia has left behind (many people are still stuck there)- holding back from your dreams, prioritizing others peoples’ needs and not listening to you own at all. Feeling guilt, frustration, imbalance and stress.
- Or being clear about your passions, going for them, living them and feeling fulfilled, content and happy. Feeling balance, freedom and inner peace.
Which one attracts you more?
It’s easy to take the first step
Is it the second one? Then you can take the first step to start realizing and identifying your passions right now by downloading my 13 questions to guide you in the thinking process
Or just sign up right away to one of our online program.
Cross the bridge towards a passionate life. It is your time now, time to have a more fulfilling life. And time to take the first step.
Discover your dream career
With these 13 free, proven questions, you will have a much better picture of how you really want your life and career to look and which actions you should take to achieve it.
Succeed in career and life
Our free online course will help you to understand where you want to steer your life and career.
Analyze your work
Our free exercise helps you to understand which activities drain our energy in your current job and shall be minimized in your future roles.
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